Words from the Green Room

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lookin' at my Rollie it's about that time

Adoring fans,

I know it's been a long time since I rapped at 'cha, but I thought I was done in the blog game. There were the haters who said I couldn't do it, the dullards who didn't understand what Epics were, and the legions who didn't care the blog existed. Yes, it looked dark. But don't call it a comeback - scroll down one post and you'll see I've been here for years.

So what's changed, reader? First, I no longer live in the Green Room. In fact, the people who took over #207 in the Lodge painted the thing a different colour. Simpletons. The main institution in my life is no longer a frat, which begs for irreverant social 'observations', but a company, which will fire you for them. So things are changing around here.

First, I'll write a little about politics. That's right, you love it.

Maybe some other stuff, but we'll see how that turns out.

Most importantly, I extend an invatation to Emma Hanke to join me in posting on this blog. You never thought you'd see your name on this blog, did you? Well, your wildest fantasy just came true. You've got my number. Call at your soonest convenience.

Finally, I'd like to publically state a goal. The last post had three comments. They all said something like, "Hey, I thought your blog was really cool. Click here." So from now on, only real people may post comments on the blog. Incentive: people who write on this blog have a 100% success rate of getting hot chicks for the sole reason that they wrote on this blog. I'm being serious.

Rob WG Jackman


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