Words from the Green Room

Monday, February 04, 2008

Dodged that bullet


It's been euphoria today. Life isn't like last year, when that grating fear that the Colts would never win the Super Bowl was put to rest. No, Eli felling Tom doesn't measure up to that. But it measures up to everything else.

You know what last night felt like? (note to reader: If you haven't seen the first Star Wars, stop reading.)

Remember at the very end of Star Wars, when the Death Star orbits that big planet to get in range of the Rebel base, which it can blow up with a single shot? The Patriots were circling that planet last night. The indestructible space station was going to end the world. The sporting world was going to have to hear about the '07 Patriots for the rest of their lives... Bill Belichick acting like Don Shula, Rodney Harrison acting like Mercury Morris. It would have been awful. The people who brought you home-field advantage field maintenance, cutting off opposing team communications, the Willie McGinest faked injury, illegal taping (does anyone believe that this just started this year? Does anyone think that the Rams were shut down by Belichick's "genius" alone? Does anyone think that the clairvoyant offensive calls against the Eagles were just a fluke?,) these people would have boasted they were the greatest team ever. Life would be markedly worse.

Luke Skywalker shot a couple of missiles right into the Death Star just as it was about to destroy the rebel planet. Eli Manning, akward kid unsure of his place in the world, played the heroic role (with David Tyree as Han Solo.) What was bound to be one of the worst nights in American sports turned into one of the greatest. The death star blew up in a flash, just like New England. This just in from Randy: Belichick and Moss don't conversate. Savour the explosion. Cue the John Williams music.


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